Ananda Ayurveda Retreat

Simple ways in Ayurveda to Lessen Stress

Stress is good if one properly copes with the demands. It helps to improve our performance and efficiency at work or in life. It makes us more alert in the activities indulged in. This bring out satisfaction, excitement and fun at work. But stress is bad when one is not able to cope with the […]

Ayurveda : Ancient wisdom for Modern Wellness

Vedas are a large body of religion texts originating ancient India. There are four Vedas which are collections of information’s about rituals, Philosophy, Spiritual knowledge. Ayurveda is a sub veda text practiced from 5000, years. Ayurveda: Ancient wisdom for modern wellness teaches us to reconnect with nature. It brings equilibrium by diving deep in to good health […]

Best Ayurvedic place in Kerala

The state of Kerala has made rich and varied contributions to the cultural heritage of India. Kerala culture has been an integral part of the mainstream of an Indian culture. An important factor that has helped the process of cultural synthesis in Kerala is its peculiar geographical position. A long and narrow territorial belt lying […]

Ancient Magic Meets Modern Living: What We Can Learn From Ayurveda

With so much focus across the world on our health and the immune system, you’d be forgiven for rushing to your nearest supermarket to stock up on hand sanitiser and protective masks. However, some are taking a very different approach when trying to prevent the spread of viruses and disease. Let’s Take a Trip Back […]

How to get online medical visa for doing Ayurveda treatments in India?

Foreign nationals can now get medical visa for Ayurveda treatments to be carried out in India. We are offering the Medical Certificate to prove the necessity of treatment and other documents to support the Medical Visa application for our guests. The below information will be helpful for those who would like to visit our Ayurveda Retreat l […]

Is there treatment for weight loss in Ayurveda ?

Ayurveda says that obesity is the accumulation of excess fat in the body. In Ayurveda food is considered as the great medicine. We should consume a well balanced diet which can strengthen both the body and mind. Let the diet be anything, but it should protect health and prevent disease. When consuming too much quantity […]

How beneficial is ayurvedic treatment for diabetes

Ayurveda has a holistic approach towards diabetes. Diabetes is a lifestyle disease. Although it can’t be cured completely, we can lessen the disease condition and maintain a balance of health with the help of Ayurveda. The Ayurveda treatment for diabetes includes a purification process, a proper diet based on the body constitution of the patient, ayurvedic herbal […]

How Ayurveda is beneficial for Arthritis

Best Ayurveda Retreat in Kerala, India | ananda ayurveda retreat

Ayurveda is a science of life and longevity, which helps in the promotion of health, prevention of disease and in achieving a long life. Ayurveda states that any disease occurs due to imbalance of doshas. Joint pain is a common health problem faced by most of the people above forty years of age. It occurs due to […]

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